How to Fight Through the Winter Blues

Winter can be a tough season for many of us. Winter self-care is more important than at any other time of the year! The cold weather always makes me feel like I want to stay inside which leads to me feeling isolated and not myself. I’ve put together a list to help take care of yourself this season both mentally and physically. Here’s to surviving the cold months and keeping your sanity!

Align Your Schedule With The Daylight

The one thing I love about the winter months is it gives me the opportunity to become an early bird. I noticed when my sleep schedule consists of being more of a night owl it often leaves me feeling even more drained both physically and mentally. Sleeping in during winter months only left me with a few hours of daylight, which made my mood even more gloomy. The sooner you get up and outdoors the better. Let your body know it is daylight outside.

Change Your Hair and Skin Routine

Winter takes such a toll on my skin! Chapped lips and dry skin are my worst enemy during the winter months. Whether its dry skin, chapped lips, split ends or ripped cuticles changing your normal routine can really be beneficial. The biggest factor in beating the winter blues is changing your routine and not getting stuck in our old ways.

Help Someone Else

As cliche as it sounds especially around this time of year helping someone else really does always improve my mood. It feels great to help someone else. Talk with a friend who is going through a hard time, buy the person behind you in the drive through their morning coffee or shovel snow for someone just because. Doing things for others often helps me forget about my own problems at that moment and even makes them seem smaller at times no matter how big they may be.

Take a Look at the Bigger Picture

When I am feeling down and not myself it really does help my mood to take a step back and think about what really matters. Look at your life as a whole, what are you thankful for? What can you be grateful for? Often there are times when I get lost in everyday life and really do forget all of the little things that I am so grateful for. No matter how small it is important to not take things for granted.

Relax and Take Time for Yourself

This is such an IMPORTANT one for me! As a soon to be wife, mother and dog mom of three I am constantly going, going and going for everyone but myself. So, remember even if you arent’t a mom, wife or fur mama this is for YOU to! No matter the situation it is so important to take that time for yourself. Take that nap. Read that book. Take a day off. Listen to your favorite music. Drink some hot cocoa or have that glass of wine (or two I won’t judge lol). Chat with your friends. Do SOMETHING or ANYTHING that you LOVE!

Keep Your Home Clean

There is something about a clean home that makes me feel sooo good inside. When my home is a mess, I often feel disheveled and disorganized in my daily routine. Clutter in a home often brings on clutter of the mind. A tidy home will help keep you organized. Open up those blinds and let natural light in! Especially during these winter months when the days are short.

Plan Fun Events with Family and Friends

Get out and socialize. Being out of the house is a great way to try and get out of that funk. Host or plan a weekly game night with family and friends. Take part in some indoor activities, such as bowling, laser tag, rock climbing or anything that gets you out and moving!


If you are able to… TAKE THE FLIGHT OR HOP IN THE CAR FOR A ROAD TRIP! One way to avoid the cold weather is to plan a getaway. My best friend and I started a yearly tradition where once a year between the months of October and February (our birthdays) we took a girl’s trip somewhere new and mostly warm. If it is sunshine that you seek, consider traveling to some sun and warm weather.

Go on that Shopping Spree

Treat yourself! You deserve it. Enjoy some new clothes, shoes or even one of my personal favorites some new home decor. Maybe that new outfit will motivate you to get outside and be active. Shop online or head to the mall, a little retail therapy always does wonders for my soul!

Use Daily Affirmations

Believe it or not I started daily affirmations about two years ago and for me it sets my mood for the start of my day. Start off every morning with an affirmation or two to get your mind in the right place. Affirmations help to bring me positive thoughts. When we think positive, we open ourselves to receiving positive. Empowerment can go a long way.

I truly hope this post helps you fight those winter blues and enjoy your life to the fullest!

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